You ever go to a party and leave with a little bag of party favors? When we were children they had whistles and bubbles in them. As adults they come with tiny bottles of alcohol and bubbles. Because you are never too old to enjoy bubbles. What about when you go to a funeral? A funeral service isn’t really a place for alcohol and bubbles. It can be a place for keepsakes. It is a growing trend to offer small keepsakes to those who attend a funeral service.
These keepsakes have two main purposes. The first is to act as a memento for guests. Just a little something that they can take home to remember the departed friend or family. The other purpose is to act as a thank you for attending the funeral. It’s common to send thank you notes after a party. Keepsakes serve the same purpose for a funeral. They also don’t have to be expensive gifts either. They can be simple cards to hand out to loved ones.
Looking at some keepsakes to hand out for a funeral? Take a look at our list and see if you can get some ideas of your own.
“Share A Memory” Card: Share A Memory cards are simple cards that you give to funeral goers. They state to Share A Memory and have lines to write a memory in. They come in different themes and sizes. The funeral goer can take it home, share it among others, or even put them all together. Create a board with all the memories the guests created.
Memorial Cards: Memorial cards are cards with an image of the deceased. They can also have some photos of memories, a favorite quote, or simply say thank you.
Jewelry: Don’t worry, you’re not buying everyone a golden ring. Unless you want to of course. There are some affordable options to consider though. For instance, you can get a pack of cross necklaces, heart necklaces, angel necklaces, etc in bulk for cheap. You can choose a design specific to the person. If they rode horses, pick a horse pendant. has plenty of options and offers 2 day shipping with Prime.
Memorable Items: You can also choose an item unique to the person. If they loved flowers or to garden, give out seed packets. They drink a favorite beer for years? Pass a bottle around at the funeral. If they collected something, hand them out at the funeral. Either from the collection or buy new ones.
Coins: Medallions, pocket tokens, all things that some companies can customize. Easy things to set up a self or keep in your pocket. They can have verses, images, or the persons name engraved. You can also find some premade with designs to hand out at the funeral service.
When it comes to keepsakes make them straight from the heart. Then you can’t go wrong when choosing what to hand out at the funeral service. Just like you can’t go wrong with Dale Woodward Funeral Services.
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